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Higher Basic and Baccalaureate continue with the training process developed by the previous levels and direct their actions towards the formation of upright, responsible, creative, and self-confident leaders.

Our high school graduates, thanks to their training, have successfully entered university and work environments.

¿What do we look for in our daily work?

  • Strengthen ethical principles that, within the framework of an emotionally rich coexistence, allow the full development of personality.
  • Train people capable of interacting respectfully and harmoniously, contributing to group work and developing cooperative rather than competitive tendencies.
  • Promote the ability to analyze and interpret different social, economic, political and cultural phenomena.
  • Develop creativity, initiative and research.
  • Improve the command of English developed in the previous stages and prepare students to take an international proficiency test in that language in 2ºBCH.
  • Consolidate the acquisition of autonomy, independence, responsibility and work habits.
  • Cultivate sensitivity and taste for art as a primary source of human expression, through the formation of musical bands and dance groups; the development of the plastic arts; the staging of plays; holding essay, story and poetry contests; participation in film-forums, etc.
  • Practice sports and recreational activities.
  • For this we have soccer, volleyball, basketball fields and green spaces ideal for student recreation.
  • Promote warm and close communication with parents in pursuit of effective coordination for the benefit of students.